School-based Curriculum |
the New Senior Secondary Curriculum, we have developed a number
of school-based materials in preparing our students for the
curriculum change. |
our students to learn actively and collaboratively, we have
implemented Task-based Learning in our junior form curriculum.
The Inter-class Guinness Record Competition is one of the most
popular activities, whereby the students learn adjectives through
playing games. Another popular activity is the survey conducted
by F.1 in Tsim Sha Tsui . This is an extremely enjoyable activity
which includes interviewing tourists and taking photos with
them. |

Self-access Learning Skills |

school aims at fostering students' self-learning and self-management
skills. Therefore, the Self-access Learning (SAL) Scheme has
been implemented for over six years. Students can learn English
through reading books, watching movies, listening to English
songs and surfing English websites. A wide variety of storybooks,
magazines, audio-visual materials and English board games are
available in our SAL Centre. It provides an excellent language
environment for our students. |
Learning |

provide all-round learning activities to cater for students'
needs and interests. Our English Society provides many opportunities
for students to have more exposure to English. Numerous courses
are organized for our students, which include Phonetics, Poetry
and Drama Appreciation, on-line interactive activities and English
board games. In addition, the English Society organises some
English excursions. Students can enjoy a series of activities
in an English environment. These activities include visits to
The Aviation Club, The Coca-Cola Factory and playing golf which
was assisted by Native speakers of English. |
Students are also encouraged to participate in different inter-school
competitions such as The Hong Kong Speech Festival, English
Survivor Competition and The Inter-school Scrabble Competition
etc. Students can boost up their confidence in speaking English
and can gain valuable experience through these competitions. |
Study Tours |
language learning should not be confined to classrooms. Our
school has organised two study tours to the UK and Australia
to get students fully exposed to an English environment. In
conjunction with visiting famous attractions, the students had
the unique experience of staying with host families and experiencing
the local culture first hand. |