The Self-access
Learning Centre is located on the first floor of our school. It
was established with the funding of Quality Education (QE Fund)
in 2001. It is an English resource room which provides a wide variety
of learning materials such as storybooks, magazines, audio-visual
materials and English board games. The room is open during lunch
time and after school on school days and special hours during holidays.
A team of English Ambassadors are responsible to manage the room
and help their schoolmates with the lending of all sorts of English
learning materials.
Our English Department has designed a self-access learning scheme
which aims at fostering students' self-learning and self-management
skills. Students are encouraged to learn English through reading
books, watching movies, listening to English songs and surfing English
websites in their own spare time at their own pace according to
their interest. Junior Form students are required to record their
learning in their Self-access Learning handbook.
The Self-access Learning Centre
indeed provides an excellent language environment for our students.